Monday, September 8, 2008

This Can't Be Good...

Well, a disturbing new trend has begun for me. The past few times I've ridden my bike, I've fallen.

Into bushes.

So far this has resulted in a bruise (only one? better than usual for me!), a scrapped knee, a bruised ego, dirt in my shoe, grass in my bike, my bike chain falling off (don't worry, I fixed it) and grease all over my hands since I fixed my bike chain.

Riding my bike around makes me feel like I'm 10 again, which was a nice time. So I think I'll go over a list of my favorite things from around that time:
1- Riding my bike
2- Playing Hide & Seek in the woods across from my friends house
3- Being the "Weather Girl" for the school news
4- Reading books that were way out of my level of understanding
5- Billy Joel
6- Lisa Frank
7- Hampsters
8- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
9- Kickball
10- "Got Milk?" ads

I would like to think that I was a pretty good combination of tom boy and girlie girl. But I really wasn't. I only wore dresses and skirts when forced to.

Cori's approach to fashion: Jeans & T-shirts can do no wrong. Fancy occasion? Jeans that aren't torn and a button up! ... perhaps this is why I always feel under dressed?


Anonymous said...

your approach to fashion is my approach to fashion. haha.

Anonymous said...

ps. that was from me, becca t