Friday, October 24, 2008

Rainy Days

Apparently it is supposed to rain this weekend.

Really hard. Like, cats & dogs type rain.

(How this'll compare with a Florida Storm, I'm not sure, but I'll let you know)

If that's the case, no one in their right mind would want to leave the house (not even if their super adorable hounds tooth printed wellies didn't end up oddly discolored from sitting in the back of their car). So what's a gal to do when she's stuck inside for the weekend?

Well, here's a list of the things I will most likely do (unless it has to do with cleaning. I'd really prefer to stay away from that):

1. Make fancy felt purses using the sewing machine and yards of felt that I got the other weekend
2. Watch Dexter. B and I have only recently begun this, so why not marathon it?
3. Catch up on Chuck/Pushing Daisies (I like television. Especially fanciful television).
4. Watch Netflix movies

Thank You For Smoking

The Dinner Game
5. Brave the weather and go to the gym (doesn't fulfill my need to stay in, but I will feel accomplished afterwards)
6. Clean the kitchen
7. Do laundry
8. Sleep for two days straight

I think that's a pretty sizable list of possibilities... of course, numbers 6 & 7 are the least likely to happen. But let's not rule them out...

1 comment:

Chocolate and Steel said...

That sounds like a wonderful weekend to me! It was 97 degrees here today. I'm starting to get pissed. I need a rainy weekend break.